Компьютерные сети и технологии


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Обзор D-Link DWL-2100AP
на Monday 27 March 2006
от список авторов
в Сети (локальные и компьютерные) > Сетевые Технологии

Приложение 1. Список команд, доступных через telnet

config wlan -- config wlanX

del acl -- Delete Access Control List

del wdsacl -- Delete WDS Access Control List

del key -- Delete Encryption key

find bss -- Find BSS

find channel -- Find Available Channel

find all -- Find All BSS

dhcps help -- Display DHCP Server Command Help

get 11gonly -- Display 11g Only Allowed

get acl -- Display Access Control List

get wdsacl -- Display WDS Access Control List

get wdsap -- Display WDS Access Point

get apmode -- Display AP Mode(runtime)

get aging -- Display Aging Interval

get antenna -- Display Antenna Diversity

get association -- Display Association Table

get authentication -- Display Authentication Type

get autochannelselect -- Display Auto Channel Select

get beaconinterval -- Display Beacon Interval

get channel -- Display Radio Channel

get availablechannel -- Display Available Radio Channel

get cipher -- Display Encryption cipher

get config -- Display Current AP Configuration

get countrycode -- Display Country Code

get dhcpc -- Display DHCP Clinet State

get dtim -- Display Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)

get encryption -- Display Encryption Mode

get eth2wlan -- Display Eth2Wlan Broadcast packet filter state

get fragmentthreshold -- Display Fragment Threshold

get frequency -- Display Radio Frequency (MHz)

get gateway -- Display Gateway IP Address

get groupkeyupdate -- Display Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)

get ipaddr -- Display IP Address

get ipmask -- Display IP Subnet Mask

get key -- Display Encryption Key

get keyentrymethod -- Display Encyrption Key Entry Method

get keysource -- Display Source Of Encryption Keys

get login -- Display Login User Name

get macaddress -- Display Mac address

get power -- Display Transmit Power Setting

get radiusname -- Display RADIUS server name or IP address

get radiusport -- Display RADIUS port number

get rate -- Display Data Rate

get remoteAp -- Display Remote Ap's Mac Address

get rtsthreshold -- Display RTS/CTS Threshold

get shortpreamble -- Display Short Preamble Usage

get shortslottime -- Display Short Slot Time Usage

get sntpserver -- Display SNTP/NTP Server IP Address

get ssid -- Display Service Set ID

get ssidsuppress -- Display SSID Suppress Mode

get station -- Display Station Status

get SuperG -- Display SuperG Feature Status

get systemname -- Display Access Point System Name

get sta2sta -- Display wireless STAs to wireless STAs connect state

get eth2sta -- Display ethernet to wireless STAs connect state

get telnet -- Display Telnet Mode

get timeout -- Display Telnet Timeout

get syslog -- Display Syslog Information

get uptime -- Display UpTime

get wirelessmode -- Display Wireless LAN Mode

get wlanstate -- Display wlan state

get vlanstate -- Display Vlan State State

get nativevlan -- Display Native Vlan Tag

get multi-state -- Display Multi-SSID Mode

get multi-ind-state [index]-- Display Individual Multi-SSID State

get Vlantag -- Display Vlantag

get multi-ssid [index] -- Display Service Set ID for Multi-SSID

get multi-authentication [index]-- Display Authentication Type for Multi-SSID

get multi-cipher [index] -- Display Encryption cipher for Multi-SSID

get multi-encryption [index]-- Display Encryption Mode for Multi-SSID

get multi-keyentrymethod -- Display Encryption Key Entry Method for Multi-SSID

get multi-vlantag [index]-- Display Vlan-Tag for Multi-SSID

get multi-key -- Display Encryption Key for Multi-SSID

get multi-config [index] -- Display AP Configuration for Multi-SSID

help -- Display CLI Command List

ping -- Ping

reboot -- Reboot Access Point

quit -- Logoff

set 11gonly -- Set 11g Only Allowed

set acl -- Set Access Control List

set wdsacl -- Set WDS List

set aging -- Set Aging Interval

set antenna -- Set Antenna

set apmode -- Set AP Mode

set authentication -- Set Authentication Type

set autochannelselect -- Set Auto Channel Selection

set beaconinterval -- Modify Beacon Interval

set channel -- Set Radio Channel

set cipher -- Set Cipher

set dhcpc -- Set DHCP Clinet State

set dtim -- Set Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)

set encryption -- Set Encryption Mode

set eth2wlan -- Set Eth2Wlan Broadcast packet filter state

set factorydefault -- Restore to Default Factory Settings

set fragmentthreshold -- Set Fragment Threshold

set gateway -- Set Gateway IP Address

set groupkeyupdate -- Set Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)

set hostipaddr -- Set Host IP address

set ipaddr -- Set IP Address

set ipmask -- Set IP Subnet Mask

set key -- Set Encryption Key

set keyentrymethod -- Select Encryption Key Entry Method

set keysource -- Select Source Of Encryption Keys

set login -- Modify Login User Name

set syslog -- Set sysLog settings

set password -- Modify Password

set passphrase -- Modify Passphrase

set power -- Set Transmit Power

set radiusname -- Set RADIUS name or IP address

set radiusport -- Set RADIUS port number

set radiussecret -- Set RADIUS shared secret

set rate -- Set Data Rate

set remoteAP -- Set Remote AP's Mac Address

set rtsthreshold -- Set RTS/CTS Threshold

set shortpreamble -- Set Short Preamble

set sntpserver -- Set SNTP/NTP Server IP Address

set ssid -- Set Service Set ID

set ssidsuppress -- Set SSID Suppress Mode

set SuperG -- Super G Features

set systemname -- Set Access Point System Name

set sta2sta -- Set wireless STAs to wireless STAs connect state

set eth2sta -- Set ethernet to wireless STAs connect state

set wlanstate -- Set wlan state

set wirelessmode -- Set Wireless LAN Mode

set vlanstate -- Set Vlan State State

set nativevlan -- Set Native Vlan Tag

set multi-state -- Set Multi-SSID Mode

set multi-ind-state -- Set Individual Multi-SSID State

set Vlantag -- Modify Vlantag

set multi-ssid -- Set Service Set ID for Multi-SSID

set multi-authentication -- Set Authentication Type for Multi-SSID

set multi-cipher -- Set Cipher for Multi-SSID

set multi-encryption -- Set Encryption Mode for Multi-SSID

set multi-keyentrymethod -- Select Encryption Key Entry Method for Multi-SSID

set multi-vlantag [tag value] [index] -- Set Vlan-Tag for Multi-SSID

set multi-key -- Set Encryption Key for Multi-SSID

set telnet -- Set Telnet Mode

set timeout -- Set Telnet Timeout

timeofday -- Display Current Time of Day

version -- Software version

rstp setstp -- Modify Spanning Tree Settings

rstp getstp -- Show Spanning Tree Settings

rstp setport -- Modify STP Port Settings

rstp getport -- Show STP Port Settings

rstp setstate -- Modify Spanning Tree State

rstp getstate -- Show Spanning Tree State

rstp setdefaul -- Set Factory Default

snmp adduser -- Add User To SNMP Agent

snmp deluser -- Delete User From SNMP Agent

snmp showuser -- Show User In SNMP Agent

snmp setauthkey -- Set User Auth Key

snmp setprivkey -- Set User Private Key

snmp addgroup -- Add User Group

snmp delgroup -- Delete User Group

snmp showgroup -- Show User Group

snmp addview -- Add User View

snmp delview -- Delete User View

snmp showview -- Show User View

snmp addcomm -- Add Communication String

snmp delcomm -- Delete Communication String

snmp showcomm -- Show Communication String

snmp addhost -- Add Host To Notify List

snmp delhost -- Delete Host From Notify List

snmp showhost -- Show Host In Notify List

snmp authtrap -- Set Auth Trap Status

snmp sendtrap -- Send Warm Trap

snmp status -- Display SNMP Agent status

snmp suspend -- Suspend SNMP Agent

snmp resume -- Resume SNMP Agent

snmp load_default -- Load SNMP Default Setting

tftp get -- Get a file from TFTP Server.

tftp uploadtxt -- Upload the configuration of the device to TFTP Server.

tftp srvip -- Setup the TFTP Server IP address.

tftp update -- Update the file to the device.

tftp info -- Information about the TFTPC setting.

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